Korner Kafe

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Korner Kafe — Enjoy the Difference — Best Burgers in Town

Web Policy

Disclaimer of Warranty


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The purpose of the information contained within this web site is to provide general information about products and services offered by OurKornerKafe.com. Any applicable laws can and do vary, depending upon the unique situation of each user. Thus, do not construe any information posted on this site as legal or other professional advice or services.

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OurKornerKafe.com uses the information you provide for internal marketing and processing of information, to improve its products and services to the viewer. Occasional e-mails may be sent with information about our products and services. If you do not want to receive e-mails from OurKornerKafe.com, you may opt out when you register or otherwise provide personal information. You may also remove your name from our mailing list by notifying us at info@ite.education. Your personal information will never be sold to any third party.

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OurKornerKafe.com reserves the right to update this policy at any time without notice.